The curse of the pumps

The curse of the pumps
ZoesPumpsweb.jpg Bonjour! Well it seems that either our pimped pumps are cursed, or they just enjoy an adventure in a foreign land! We had a bit of a nightmare when the pumps went off to Eindhoven, got lost and then got found, but resulted in them not being shown as they had to wing it back for Manchester’s show. After a fab show at Thunder Egg in Manchester, they flew off to Paris, for an exhibition at Royal Cheese. We now realise pumps like to go walkabout, and these certainly did that… for about 3 weeks in this case, where nobody could seem to track them down- I have a suspicion they were sat around outside cafes enjoying chocolat chaud and croissants galore, whilst wearing berets and screaming, ‘Garcon!’ However, they managed to show up in the end, and went on to have a rather successful time of it at Royal Cheese. Apparently they are on their way back to London, but we haven’t seen hide nor hair of these fellas… they are probably having a quick croque monsieur before returning to Ol’ Blighty. Anyway, they are due in Brighton for the 1st March at Get Cutie, Kensington Gardens, and I’m pretty sure the lure of a stick o' rock and some seaside fun will tempt them back!