some new Stuff for you,

some new Stuff for you,
SOME.jpg New things, new things, oh we like some new things! We have just posted up spme new tee's and sweats! Get you naughty little hands on fresh new colourways! ft_ray_med.jpgms_xray_med.jpg Due to overwhelming demand we have given in and put X-Ray Specs on a Girl's t-shirt. Available on Pink and also on this crime fighting Blue colour. We have also put it on a Men's Sweatshirt too. Please be warned that powerful rays do burn retinas, so be careful and use your powers for good not evil. ft_hiblock_med.jpgms_hithere_med.jpg We also Have the block heads that feature on our limited edition Hoodie in a new design which is available on girl's Tee and a Men's Pull over Hoodie. fs_vamp_med.jpg Also new on the Oaf scene is the Vamp Lips Girl's Sweatshirt in our new cosy style sweat. Click Here to visit the shop.