BIG Easter Special!

BIG Easter Special!
Hooray it's Easter!!! This means spending the next 4 days stuffing our faces with buttery hot cross buns, scoffing numerous chocolate eggs and decorating cakes with furry chicks. And whilst doing all this there is something else to be excited about - Lazy Oaf's BIG Easter Special. All weekend we are giving you 20% off everything online so don't miss out. In order to receive your discount please type this code: youareggshellent into the discount/voucher section as you check out. Please make sure you type in the code before you process the order as you will not be able to apply the discount once your order has been completed. The offer starts now and runs right until midnight on Easter Monday so go get those bargains quickly before it's too late! The 20% offer is also going to be running in our Kingly Court Shop all weekend - all you have to do to get your discount is print off this email and show it to our staff when you make a purchase. Have very eggciting weekends. x