All Hale the Sale!

All Hale the Sale!

If the online sale wasn't exciting enough already then get aload of all the hot deals going on in our Fouberts Place shop! The sale launched in store today and there are an unbelievable amount of bargains waiting to be snapped up. We have a whole selection of items that are exclusive to the shop sale so it is definitely worth coming along to see what Lazy Oaf originals you can get your hands on.

Come and stock yourself up with a summers worth of T-shirts, many of which are down to a tiny tenner.

Snap up a cap for a wallet-friendly £15

SHOP EXCLUSIVE - get one of our bushy tailed friends on a T with this Frilly Fox design available for only £5.

The shop is also the only place where you can get your hands on one-off samples including top designs from our current collection.

One of the best bargains this sale is the Square Head Brooch down to an irresistible £3.50.

So if you're looking for some sizzling summer deals then come and pay us a visit. And come sooner rather than later as designs are selling out fast!