Twitter Competition , A Pizza Your Heart

Twitter Competition , A Pizza Your Heart
Valentines Schmalentines, today we're talking BFF's. If you and your mates aren't sure whether to cringe or cry at Februarys upcoming slush fest, then share some love with the true object of your desires … Pizza !  For today only Lazy Oaf's most blogged about item is up for grabs, the last ever pair of Golden Pizza Slice necklaces. Cheezus of Nazareth! We can hardly contain our excitement.  To grab a slice of the action for you and one friend just follow our twitter account and answer this question… What is your favourite memory of you and your best buddy ? Please post your answer in 50 words or less in the comments section directly below this post, and include your twitter name.  The lucky winner will be announced at 12pm tomorrow, Thursday 29th January. What are you waiting for ! Round up your friends and give us a pizza your heart.              Â