The Launch Party of launch parties

The Launch Party of launch parties
Last Thursday 1st October us Oaf's threw our first proper collection launch party and my oh my did we have a jolly good time....The party and exhibition took place in East London's Old Shoreditch Station so our design team Gemma, Rosy and Alex traveled down early on Thursday morning to plaster the walls in monochrome doodled wall paper, decorate the ceiling with magical glittered gems and radiate the walls with technicoloured string. Our designer Gemma also got handy with some paper and plastercine to create some amazine' new faces to hang on the walls. The exhibtion titled 'Sweet Chin Music' was a mixture of sci-fi wrestler mania and cosmic galactic treasures including our glittered wrestler figurines featuring the Undertaker (unfortunately the man himself couldn't make it down but we like to think he was there in spirit). Alongside the exhibition, we allowed you guys to have a look and get your hands on our new collection on sale in the shop next door;  No-One. Filling the window with our collection alone just wasn't enough so we also threw in some glitter-eyed skulls, space age paper structures and the all important gem embellished owl, isn't he just something else? Like every event we do, it just wouldn't be the same without all you lovely lot who continue to show your faces - here are a collection of our favourites. The party was also held to celebrate the launch of The Amazine modeled above by our friend Neil. May we say a big thank you to Vickie from Old Shoreditch Station who allowed all of this to happen, the girls from No-One, all the bar staff (especially the man with his necklace from the future), Gemma, Alex, Rosy, Shevone and our wonderful intern Ellen who made and put all of this together and finally to all of you who came along and got involved. The exhibition will be up in The Old Shoreditch Station until Thursday 15th; the opening times for the cafe are 8am-7pm and the bar 7pm-1am. The new collection will also be available in the No-One Shop throughout duration so if you are in the area make sure you check it out! x