Super 7 day Sale!

Super 7 day Sale!
super-sale.jpg This week we are holding our super seven day sale, why? I here you ask, well why the hell not. The sale starts right this very minute and finishes at 12 midnight on Wed 20th Feb so quick, quick start shopping before all the bargains get snapped up. Ahhhh! We’ve put some pretty kick-ass Tee’s in the sale, if I do say so myself. For you ladies we’ve marked down some of Oafette’s finest to a teeny tiny £12.50. Including suit jacket, ahoy there and lady bow. Get them all and be a trump de l’oeil queen. For you gentlemen we’ve slashed big rainbow, umbrella and bloc party sweats to a bargainous £20. Plus heaps of others, so check them, out with your eyes. I bet you thought that was it on the bargain front, my fellow oaf’s. Oh no, no, no. We also have the exclusive offer if you spend over £50 smackers on the sale we’ll send you a mystery tee in your size. I love surprises, it'll feel like Christmas even if it is mid Feb! Be sure to say your size in the comment box as you go through check out, other wise it will be a complete mystery. Our usual free postage and packaging applies to sale items as well if you live within the U.K. So it really is pure bargain heaven, you’ve got no excuse…. boys-hoods.jpggirls-hoods.jpgbrooches.jpg I think all this slashing prices has made us dizzy with excitement, as we’ve also reduced our zip hoody’s permanently down from £58 to a more pocket friendly £45. And last but not least our snazzy lazy oaf pin brooches have been reduced from £12.50 to £8. Who said we never treated you, eh?