Studio Tours: LumberJack Joe

Studio Tours: LumberJack Joe

As part of our Winter '13 Magazine, available for free online now, we did our own take on glossy magazine ads by asking a selection of illustrators and graphic artists to submit parody advertising. We had lots of excellent submissions and our favourites made their way into the pages of our mag. So over the next couple of weeks as part of our Studio Tours feature, we are letting you know a bit more about our ad artists by getting them to show us their studios and tell us more about their inspirations and motivations. Today we're starting things off by stepping into the artistic space and mind of Birmingham boy Joe Taylor AKA LumberJack Joe. Joe loves checked shirts, vinyl toys and Paul Bunyan. All photography and artwork by Lumberjack Joe. JOE-TAYLOR-1 JOE-TAYLOR JOE-TAYLOR-2 JOE-TAYLOR-3 JOE-TAYLOR-8 JOE-TAYLOR-5JOE-TAYLOR-10

Who are you, where are you from and what do you do?

I am LumberJackJoe (Joe Taylor) an illustrator and designer who's roots grow deep in the West Midlands, UK.

What is keeping you busy at the moment?

I am always designing shiny new things for LumberJackJoe prints, zines, attire and more. I'm also working on some secret circusy things for a client. It is all very hush hush at the moment, keep your eyes pealed for when its released.

How would you describe the space that you work in?

A long tunnel of colourful inky plasticy techie love.

Who are some of your influences in your work?

I love the work of a lot of toy designers, illustrators and street artist; Matt Jones, Gary Baseman, Tim Biskup, McBess and Blu.

What is your most treasured possession?

Every Lumberjack treasures his check shirts.

Tell us a little bit about what inspired your advert for the Lazy Oaf magazine (featured above).

My obsession with the big man himself, Paul Bunyan. Ever since my Canadian relations told me about him I have bought books and films about him, read countless stories about him, and I am always drawing him. The advert came from the story of Paul Bunyan clearing a whole forest with the single swing of his axe.

What's your favourite TV advert ever?

Bud. Bud. Bud.Weise. Bud.Weise. Bud.Weise.errrrrr. Watch it here.

What do you want to be when you grow up and why?

'Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist.' - Iron Man so I will have crazy gadgets, cars and save the world! Failing that a snowboarder, because nothing else matters when your throwing yourself down a mountain.

If you were going to be a supervillain what would your evil plan be and who would be your nemesis?

I'd be Cholesterol-Killer-Man. All cars would be bottomless and you'd have to yabba dabba do-one every where and the pavements would be one big treadmill, like an airport but backwards. Obviously Ronald McDonald would be my nemesis. This sounds like I'm a hero but everyone would hate me cause they'd have such hence legs.

If you we invisible for one day what would you do?

Go and whisper in Miley Cyrus' ear for a day and be her conscience. I'd be like 'no don't be twerking up that man' in one ear and be like 'it's our party we can do what we want'  in the other.

Where can we see your work?

My website Twitter: @Lumber_Jack_Joe Instagram: LUMBER_JACK_JOE Facebook: