See You Next Tuesday: Geography Tests, Goblin Kings and First Dates

See You Next Tuesday: Geography Tests, Goblin Kings and First Dates

Welcome to this weeks latest installment of See You Next Tuesday where the Lazy Oaf team fill you in on the things that have caught our eye or got us talking in the office over the past 7 days. This week we're testing out our geography skills, lusting over Labyrinth and feeling that first date pressure. 1. INTERNET SENSATIONS: Let's Explore The World. This week we have been having a lesson in geography, and wishing we were in another country, by exploring the world on GeoGuessr. Try and guess the destination of 5 places worldwide by looking at the photograph and marking on the map where you think it was taken. The highest score in the office so far is 7,190. Let us know how you get on. 2. FOOD FAVOURITES: Buster Burgers. Don't worry, we're not about to tell you we have eaten a dog burger, that is NEVER going to happen at Lazy Oaf. But the burgers we have been enjoying recently are those made by Stephen Burger Fries served at Dalston pub 3 Compasses. We're eating ours served with dill sauce and a side of garlic and herb fries. These burgers will only be available at this pub until 21st July so head down fast to get a piece of the action. 3. WINDOW SHOPPING: You Remind Me of the Babe. Last week we finally got to visit the heavily hyped David Bowie is exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum and we were definitely impressed by what we saw and heard. Aside from desiring every one of his glitter stage suits, the item we most wanted from the shop was a print from his Jim Henson eighties classic Labyrinth. Priced at £250, we're going to be sticking to a Google image print off for now (Christmas come sooner!) 4. MEDIA MATTERS: Very First Date. We have all been on those awkward, and in some cases traumatising, first dates and now, much to our excitement, Channel 4's latest reality TV show allows us to experience dozens of other peoples first hand. Aired on Wednesday nights, First Dates is basically TVs answer to online dating with highlights so far including a guy talking about doing a shit to a girl for about 10 minutes longer than he should have. He didn't get a second date.