Welcome to this weeks latest instalment of See You Next Tuesday where the Lazy Oaf team fill you in on the things that have caught our eye or got us talking in the office over the past 7 days. This week we have been gazing at swimming dogs, ordering chicken from our beds and celebrating the sloth. 1. INTERNET SENSATIONS: Every dog has its day, needless to say. We're always in the market for seeing a nice picture of a dog so we're delighted that the girls at Company Magazine are now treating us all with their very own Dog of the Day. You can submit your 4-legged friend to be featured using Instagram, we want to get our office dog Bob involved. 2. FOOD FAVOURITES: Would you like peri-peri with that? It's a hit with the celebs and a hit in our office so when we found out that our favourite chicken joint Nando's is now letting us order takeaway wings with a side of peri-fries from the comfort of our homes we got a bit over excited. So excited that we didn't read the small print telling us we still have to get out of bed and pick it up in person. Still you gotta start somewhere. 3. WINDOW SHOPPING: Live slow, die whenever. Last week we were all over sharks but this week we have turned our affections to the two-toed, floppy-armed sloth because no mammal could fit the Lazy Oaf brief better then these guys. To help to spread our sloth love, we'd like to spend our winter walking around slowly but surely in one of these Shelfie sweaters. 4. MEDIA MATTERS: Your life is a lie. Don't worry, we're not about to go all philosophical on you yet, Your Life is a Lie is the title of the latest track to be released by those continuously creative MGMT boys and they have really excelled themselves with their new video. Thankfully the kids on Tumblr have already made every gif and screen grab possible. Make sure you watch it at least 3 times - the singing skeletons are our personal highlight.