This December for the festive season, Shoreditch bar and gallery space DreamBagsJaguarShoes has been taken over by the first solo exhibition to come from illustrator and crafter Rosy Nicholas.
We have been a fan of Rosy's work for many years and her prints have previously graced Lazy Oaf garments so we were no doubt excited by the arrival of this exhibition.
Titled If I Should Die Tonight, the exhibition is heavily inspired by Rosy's long love affair with Ancient Egypt and shows her imaging her own death and making homage to all the things she likes in life by presenting them in one giant fantasy tomb.
The exhibit includes an installation of both found and hand crafted artifacts each enhanced by Rosy's beautiful illustrative painting style. Key influences include Jean Paul Goude, Indiana Jones and the one and only Marvin Gaye.
The centre piece is the stunning glitter encrusted Tutankhamun positioned in it's own shimmering cave. We personally have our eye on the papier mache leopard with pom pom cheeks, is it too late to add him to our Christmas list??
If I Should Die Tonight, An Exhibition by Rosy Nicholas is running until 27th January 2013 at DreamBagsJaguarShoes, 32- 36 Kingsland Road, London, E2 8DA. Open 12pm-1am everyday.
Photos above by Jeff Metal of Jaguar Shoes Collective.

Photos by Rosy Nicholas