Welcome to our pet fantasy world. It’s no secret we are obsessed with animals and pets, so we designed a whole collection around it. Our first Autumn collection is the Lazy Pet Shop.
We wanted to take you through our design journey creating this collection and give you the BTS lowdown.
The Pet Shop collection is Inspired by our own furry co workers and too many good you tube videos, we covered our design room in animal inspiration, Japanese dog groomers, hamster bums sticking out of things, pet food packaging, frogs in hats and so much good stuff.
At the beginning of our design process we use our inspo walls to build and develop ideas from key phrases, must have pieces, shapes and other artists we want to reach and work with. We then set about sketching and digitally creating our ideas into clothing and accessories. For each collection we design 100’s of pieces but will select around 20-30 of our favourites to proceed to a sample developing stage.
We have worked with two of our favourite artists on this collection Aga Giecko and Jiro Bevis. We have interview posts pending so you can also get to know them a little better too.
The collection is animal and vegan friendly and is split into 4 drops, dropping weekly.