Swapping her current residence of Tokyo for a trip down memory lane in London we spent an afternoon hanging out with model Laura Ribeiro to find out the all important question, who's she throwing that water bomb at?
Ok Laura lets set the record straight, can you describe your heritage? Ha-ha! I am not Japanese! I actually have a Brazilian mother and Portuguese father. I was raised in London since that's where they met. I am very South London. What were you like as a kid? Oh I was the geeky quiet girl who often got bullied, but had a passion for art. You'd find me creating things out of cardboard boxes or drawing random characters. Speaking of which, what is your favourite cartoon? Sailor moon and the Power Puff Girls - strong women are the prettiest. How would you describe yourself and your style? We love the androgyny... If I told you I'm a shy person would you believe me? I'd like to think I'm friendly and easy to talk to. My style changes with my mood. I would say I feel more comfortable dressing up in oversized and chill clothes but every now and then I like to dress up and put on cute makeup. So you live in Japan? I moved to Japan two years ago for a modeling opportunity, but it later made me want to refocus on inspiring other women to believe in themselves and that they too can achieve their dreams. I'm already focusing on my next goal! And now you speak Japanese? Yes, not fluently but conversationally. I haven't studied Japanese at a school, but with self-discipline and dedication from my friends and my boyfriend I've picked it up. I do find languages easy though... I speak 4 and understand another 2. Not showing off, well just a little hehehe.