Today we're treating you to our latest monthly blog feature, the Lazy Oaf Mixtape where members of the team will compile a special playlist to suit the mood of the month. Our theme for June is Do It Yourself where we have carefully compiled a playlist for you to listen to while tackling any DIY challenges that may come your way this weekend. Whether you're the next Handy Andy or require a DIY SOS, hammer out these 10 tracks and you're guaranteed to stay motivated when you're building your latest flat pack. Volume 1: The Sound of Do It Yourself. 1- It Takes a Muscle - MIA 2- Sledgehammer - Peter Gabriel 3- Safety Dance - Men Without Hats 4- Burning Down The House - Talking Heads 5- Raining Blood - Slayer 6- Chop Suey - System of a Down 7- To Build a Home - The Cinematic Orchestra 8- So Bored - Wavves 9- Kitchenette - Grinderman 10- House of Love - East 17 var zippywww="75";var zippyfile="80784368";var zippytext="#000000";var zippyback="#e8e8e8";var zippyplay="#ff6600";var zippywidth=930;var zippyauto=false;var zippyvol=80;var zippywave = "#000000";var zippyborder = "#cccccc";