Lazy oaf and the mighty boosh

Lazy oaf and the mighty boosh
noel-in-ahoy-there!.jpg Well, we've all been excited about the new series of the Mighty Boosh at Oaf towers. But because of the grazia event last night I missed the third episode, only to find out this morning that Noel Fielding AKA Vince Noir was wearing a Lazy Oaf tee. So this morning with a sore head from too much cherry flavoured beer after the shop event I watched it on replay (what an amazing invention). ft_ahoytheregt_med_white.jpg About halfway through there it was the white Ahoy There t-shirt! Noel was wearing it, I nearly crushed my maryland cookie in excitment. It made the perfect naval themed accessory for their song 'future sailors'. check it out here. I apologise for the pic!