Last Minute Christmas Shopping

Last Minute Christmas Shopping
If you're running around like a headless chicken trying to complete your Christmas shopping then calm down and look no further than our shop on 19 Fouberts Place. We have a whole range of gifts, small and big so whether you've got stockings to fill, secret Santas to pull off or main presents to buy then you'll definitely find something in our store that fits the bill. We're thrilled to be stocking an array of handmade chocolate lollies bought to us by Creighton's Chocolaterie. These trolls above have particularly warmed our wintery hearts. With hats, scarves and patterned socks, our winter accessories are simply waiting to be wrapped up and put under the tree next weekend. If you are planning to visit our store over the next two weeks then please make note of these important opening times also giving you a sneak peek as to when our sale starts! If you haven't been to the shop before, we're at 19 Fouberts Place (off Carnaby Street), London, W1F 7QE just 5 minutes from Oxford Circus tube station. See you there and good luck wrapping up your Christmas shop!