Jewellery Design Winner: Eleonora Bardelli

Jewellery Design Winner: Eleonora Bardelli
Last month we set all of you the challenge to design a Perspex necklace or brooch and we were overwhelmed with the high level of creativity that went into your entries. So after a lot of umming and erring we finally managed to pick a number one! Yes the winner has been chosen; we are very excited to reveal that Eleonora Bardelli has be crowned the winner of this years Lazy Oaf Jewellery Competition in association with Loud Tate. Like any lady of leisure, we instantly fell in love with Eleonora's perfume bottle, who wouldn't want to wear the scent of Oaf around their neck?? The design is original but we think it will sit really well beside our current jewellery collection. Above you can see the original design submitted by Eleonora followed by how the final pendant is expected to look. We have had to make a couple of adjustments for manufacturing purposes but we are very excited to see the finished product! What do you think? Fancy dowsing yourself in the scent of Oaf? We were lucky enough to catch up with winner Eleonora Bardelli all the way from beautiful city of Tuscany, Italy, to talk jewellery making, the flash 80's and Jane Fonda. You're the WINNER! How do you feel? Enthusiastic and really amused! What inspired you to enter the competition? I read about it on the Lazy Oaf blog and thought WOW plus I was competing against my boyfriend and a very talented friend of mine. Tell us a bit about your design? I love to design objects and I'm a details maniac so I decided to draw this perfume bottle and tried to make it look funnier and cute like any other accessory by Lazy Oaf. Who will be the lucky owners of your 5 free necklaces we will send you? Well, the first is for me, then I'll give a pair as a consolation gift to my boyfriend and the friend I won against. Finally the last two are for the blondiest girlfriends I have. LOL. So Eleonora what do you like doing with your time? I like to sketch, create and spend hours on the phone. Are you studying at the moment? I'm studying fashion design and I produce plastic accessories and plush on sale on the web. We hear that you design and make your own jewellery, can you tell us a bit more about that? I design and manufacture plastic jewellery with a coloured and flashy 80’s mood! What's your preferred snack? French fries. Who's your fave celebrity? Jane Fonda cause she was the first to launch aerobics on VHS for housewives in the late 70s. You can discover more of Eleonora's handmade creations on her website at Eleonora's Oaf Perfume design will be online and ready to buy at the end of November so keep your eye on the site as there will only be 50 available. A big thanks to all of you who entered - you can view some more of our favourite entries on our FlickR very soon. x