It's knit o'clock!

It's knit o'clock!
knitwatchfront.jpg Imagine if it was always midnight, you would never have to worry about the club closing because it never would! Or if it was permanently 12.30pm - your could spend your whole life on lunch break. Well now this is almost possible with our latest accessory of hand-knitted, 100% acrylic digital watches showing that you can combine old traditions with new technologies. Recognise the style of these watches? Well that is because they are made by our friends at Knit and Destroy who have combined their love for knitting and novelty with drinking tea and eating cakes to bring us a whole array of goodies. Check out our super cute knitted hair bows which are the perfect way to doll up any hair style. Or dress up any jacket, coat of cardi with our favourite knitted, smiling pencil brooches. And not forgetting our very warm and wintery pencil scarves that will keep your neck happy all the way through the colder seasons. As each item is hand knitted there are only a limited amount available so be sure to get in there quickly! Lazy Oaf