it's a bit nippy

it's a bit nippy
It's that time of year again, when it gets dark early, the weather turns distinctly chilly and we here at the Lazy Oaf shop start digging out our jumpers and woolly hats. With the changing season we like to change up our wardrobes too, styling up our favourite Lazy Oaf items in preparation for the cold weather.

Due to popular demand from you, our lovely customers, we have brought back the Moustache Man t-shirt, available exclusively in our Fouberts Place shop. This classic Lazy Oaf design has a firm place in our hearts and our wardrobes. We're wearing ours tucked into high-waisted wool shorts (with thick tights of course!) Add a Rainbows Are Shit Tote Bag to carry round your necessities, and a pair of Spitfire Headphones to listen to your music on in style, and you are good to go.

We love the Tuxedo Dress, and know you do too. Teamed with leggings and ankle boots it's our go to outfit whether heading to an art gallery or out for a night of dancing. Add an oversized cardigan on top to keep warm and accessorise with the Oaf No. 5 Brooch, which is now only available in our shop in very limited numbers, so grab yours while you can! Lastly a Right on Time watch will ensure you are never late but always looking super cool.

It's one of our newest products and we are already smitten with the Rainbow Button Cardigan. With its super soft lining it is perfect for wearing over your favourite Lazy Oaf tee to keep the cold at bay. We've teamed ours with the In the Mix Rucksack, which is big enough to hold everything from school books to a bicycle pump, and a Dash Cap, because who said caps are just for summer?