In the Spotlight: Honest Boy Party Picks

In the Spotlight: Honest Boy Party Picks

With Christmas on its way and plenty of new products up on our website, over the next few weeks members of the Lazy Oaf team are going to review some of our favourite things that could end up under your tree this December. As it's officially festive buffet season, this week our European Wholesale Manager Paul has chosen to review the Pinocchio Honest Boy Party Picks. It’s no secret, in the Lazy Oaf office, that my life generally revolves around food, homewares and boys….To say that these Kikkerland ‘Honest Boy Party Picks’ were made for me, would be a huge understatement. Having recently moved into a new ‘grown up’ flat with my friend, we decided to go all Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet) and host an intimate candle-light supper with a few of our nearest and dearest. Whilst we managed the candle light, unfortunately, in the absence of our Royal Doluton (with the hand-painted periwinkles) we had to make-do with our recently purchased array of turquoise Ikea crockery. To brighten the mood, I looked no further than the wondrous array of Christmas product here at the Lazy Oaf Studio. So, the scene was set; I’d made a focaccia, we had actual glasses instead of plastic cups and I’d graced our dining table with a delightfully festive/naff plastic table cloth. Through the haze of Zara Home ‘gingerbread’ joss stick, I finally crack open my party picks and get on with stabbing some sausages. Like our long-nosed friend, most of my guests failed to lie effectively in telling me my ‘turkey and stuffing vol-au-vents’ were divine – thankfully after drinking 2 bottles of Rioja I soon failed to care. I certainly recommend Kikkerland Honest Boy Party Picks, especially for the look of disapproval these little guys give you the morning after, whilst you’re plucking them from plant pots and ashtrays. HONEST-BOY-2 HONEST-BOY-3 Sausages not included. BUY-IT-NOW