Hey Girls

Hey Girls
It's September,  the leaves are starting to fall from the trees, the brollies are out and we're already planning where we'll spend Christmas. It can only be autumn which means a brand new AW 11 Lazy Oaf collection just in time for all the fresh mornings and cooler evenings ahead. Today we're starting the launch with our first drop of ten new designs. We hope you like what you see. DISH DASH SLOB T-SHIRT Look dashing in a flash with this all-over-print Dish Dash Slob T-shirt covered in caveman style scrawlings. MIKE BASEBALL T-SHIRT If you really want to take the Mick then this new shaped baseball top with correspondent sleeves is the one for you (also available for the boys). GEO SKATER DRESS Spin around in a plethora of pattern in our hottest AW11 piece the Geo Skater Dress. This all-over-print dress is the perfect party pieces with a circle skirt to float around in for nights on end. BIG DOG LONG SLEEVED CROP T-SHIRT If you're a dog lover then this Big Dog Crop tee will definitely be up your street. It includes a face print on the front and a tail on the back so you can send tongue wagging from all directions. LEOPARD DRESS Show everyone who the king of the jungle is with this lounging leopard lying on your shoulder. This bright yellow flock leopard sits on our box shaped dress, the sell out shape from our AW 10 range. Soooo what ya gonna get?!