Dream Burger Competition: The Winner

Dream Burger Competition: The Winner

Two weeks ago we teamed up with Burgerac for a special competition. We asked you to tell us about your dream burger to be in with a chance of winning over £100 worth of fast food goodies. You sent us recipes, photographs and drawings of your dream burgers listing multiple toppings including jalapenos, marshmallows, unicorns and even Leonardo Dicaprio. After much deliberation between the Lazy Oaf team and Burgerac, we have finally managed to pick a winner. It was tough but someone had to do it. WINNER: FREAKYWACKEDKOOKY BURGER BY RUBY BANKHEAD Ruby says: 'My Dream Burger would have all my favourite food in it, starting from my best to least best. So, it would have a strawberry flavoured bun with chips, ketchup, lightly salted tortilla chips, mozzarella (melted and all stretchy and stringy), prawn crackers, Skips, Wotsits, Kit Kat chunky, vanilla milk, Cheerios, noodles, rice, spring onions ,pizza and ending with a mango flavoured bun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' We picked Ruby's burger because she's thrown together some of our favourite things particularly the Skips and Wotsits, we're definitely going to have a go at throwing crisps into our burgers this weekend. Plus we love her detailed pencil crayon drawing - look at the height on that! Ruby wins this Lazy Oaf burger bonanza prize above and Burgerac's limited edition Burgermat Print Pack. Thank you to everyone who entered, your answers provided us with more laughs than you can imagine and made us feel very hungry in the process. Keep your eye on the blog for more competitions like this in the near future.