Drawing Club II Presents: Burgerac

Drawing Club II Presents: Burgerac

If you're a burger fanatic like us then you're going to love the work of Burgerac! Describing himself as a burger detective, him and a dedicated team devote their spare time to sampling, rating and photographing burgers across London, New York and beyond. He's also collaborated with artists to produce the Burgermat Show, a collection of 24 limited edition burgermats by artists including Rob Flowers (as seen on our Tumblr), Andy Rementer and our very own Gemma Shiel (see below). Here are some TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE burgers we drooled over on his blog: Burgerac let us transform his logo illustrated by the super talented Jon Boam, into a T-shirt to feature as part of the Drawing Club Collection. With this in mind, we got the brains behind the burger drawing Jon to fill out our illustrated Q & A too: You can follow Burgerac's blog at www.burgerac.com and see more of Jon's work on his site jonboam.blogspot.com.