At the beginning of the month we set you the challenge to design a Christmas card that simply had to look nice and make us laugh and you lot definitely pulled out all the stops. While some entries had us laughing into our laps, others made us gasp with shock. We never knew so many of you had visualised santa without his clothes on! After going through over 100 entries, we have finally picked a winner. Congratulations Nick Alston you are the winner of our Design a Xmas Card 2013 Competition. We love Nick's illustration style and the fuzzy green hand reminds us of The Grinch mixed up with Selma and Patty from the Simpsons. Nick wins £100 to spend at lazyoaf.com and will receive 10 copies of his own card design to send to friends and family. You can see more of his work on his personal website www.nickalston.co.uk. Keep your eye on the blog for more competitions next week.