Are you tired of seeing the same old Christmas cards year in year out? Do you fancy yourself as a bit of an illustrator? Want to see your designs on our blog and win £100 to spend at Lazy Oaf? Make sure you enter out latest Design a Xmas Card Competition.
To celebrate the release of our new range of cards, we're asking you to submit your own Christmas card designs with our favourite entry winning £100 to spend online and receiving 10 copies of your own design to send to friends.
Whether you're celebrating the festive season or releasing your inner Scrooge, we're looking for original designs that look nice and make us laugh.
Please send designs in JPEG format in the dimensions 144mm x 144mm at 300dpi to alex@lazyoaf.com by 5pm GMT on Friday 22nd November. Designs can be created in whatever medium you wish; whether itâs hand drawn, collaged, photographed, Photoshopped etc. There is a limit of one entry per person so make sure it's a goodie.
Our lucky winner will be announced on the Lazy Oaf blog on Monday 25th November and will receive a £100 Lazy Oaf voucher and ten of their own Christmas card designs to send to friends and family in the run up to Christmas.
We can't wait to see what you come up with.