Dark v.s Light

Dark v.s Light

The 2010 Lazy Oaf Drawing Club competition is in full swing; we have already had some impressive entries and can't wait to see the rest! One thing we have noted from all of you is that there seems to be some confusion in regards to the theme so here is a blog to clear it all up. The theme is dark v.s light and you can choose to follow this as closely or loosely as you like. You could take it literally and look at dark colours v.s. light colours or choose to delve deeply into the world of endless opposites. Think love v.s. hate, fast food v.s. vegetables, unicorns v.s dragons, the goodie v.s. the baddie or whatever other combination takes your fancy. To help stimulate your senses we have created some mood boards showing you our very own interpretations of dark and light. There has also been some confusion over what materials your entries have to be drawn in and, to clarify, it can be absolutely anything you like! Whether you want to work your Photoshop magic, create a collage or raid your younger sisters felt tip pen drawer, we are happy for you to use anything you like! So, we hope that has helped to clear up any confusion and all we can do now is wait to see what all of you pull out of the bag. Remember the deadline is Monday 17th May. If you have anymore enquries please drop us an email to info@lazyoaf.com. x