COMPETITION - Have you got the OAF FACTOR?

COMPETITION - Have you got the OAF FACTOR?
Here at Lazy Oaf HQ we love nothing better than our weekly dose of X Factor and long to be contestants. Knowing that this is an unlikely event we have decided to start our own version! Yes today sees the launch of the first ever OAF FACTOR! We are running a competition where we want all of you Oaf’s and Oafette’s to send us videos profiling your talents whilst WEARING YOUR FAVOURITE Lazy Oaf stuff! So whether you’re guitar strumming, beat boxing, break dancing, karaoking or just jumping on your bed singing into a hair brush, we want to see it! And of course no competition would be complete without a prize. Selected by our very own Lazy Oaf panel, the WINNING ENTRY will receive £100 worth of Lazy Oaf goodies but more importantly; your video will be posted on the FRONT PAGE of our website for all to see! You could get talent spotted in no time! Second prize will be £50 worth of goodies and the third prize winner gets a T of their choice. All of our favourite entries will be posted on our blog. We have found some IMPRESSIVE examples to wet your appetite Take a look at the video of for ‘Straight Back On It’ by our dear Scottish friends The Young Fathers and see our classic Cloud and Stars Sweatshirt: And feast your eyes on hip hop/electro act Master Shortie’s video for ‘Rope Chain’ and you’ll see our Rib Tickler T and Cloud and Stars Sweatshirt: And finally check out the impressive moves of the good friends of the Oaf’s; Four Poofs and a Piano on tour and you’ll see the Music Braces T quadrupled: So what are you waiting for? Go get your instruments tuned, your vocal chords warmed up, whack on you Oaf gear and get filming! The competition runs for the next 2 weeks and the closing date is Friday 7th November so make sure you don’t miss out on this grrreat opportunity! Please send all entries to and include your name and the name of your act. You can either attach the video to an email or post us a link directly from YouTube starting the name of the video with ‘Oaf Factor’. We can’t wait to see what you send us and we’re sure you’ll all come up trumps! GOOD LUCK! Oh and don’t forget our NEW COLLECTION is up on the site so if you want to wear one of our NEW treats in your video, get in there fast this weekend so we can send it in time! Lazy Oaf.