big face finger legs and monsters strike back

big face finger legs and monsters strike back
monsters.jpg I have been very busy drawing recently and have been a little bit sode tracked with drawing monsters on things. I was asked to do the 'Our Shop' windows in kingly court Carnaby street with a whole family of the grissley little blighters. It was much fun. Incidently you can visit this store for all your lazy oaf needs! There is also a choice selection of Lady Luck rules ok jewellery and treasures galore. BIG FACE FINGER LEGS: hands.jpg Let me cordially invite you into the world of big face finger legs. The best thing to do when you have loads of work to be getting on with is to let yourself be distracted and draw all over your hands and createa new world. So match the names to the flesh finger people: 1. Miss Polly Congeniality Diamond Lips. 43 yrs old but will tell you she's 29 yrs old especially if the room is dimly lit. likes bingo, vodka and valium, crying and grown men fighting. Has out sourced her 3 children. 2. Papa wigwam the third. defecates Gold. 3. Mr Tokyo Obscene. 44yrs old likes school uniforms and dirty knickers from vending machines. likes to respond to internet adverts for any ritualistic behaviour. He sometimes suffers from severe bloating after eating pork. good luck x