Batman X Lazy Oaf In-Store Launch

Batman X Lazy Oaf In-Store Launch
Just in case you didn't know... we launched our BATMAN X LAZY OAF capsule collection yesterday! And no collection would truly be launched without an in store party to celebrate. A queue of eager peeps waiting to get their hands on the Batman goodies first. Rekorderlig cider (the new orange and ginger flavour was voted the fave) and tasty Popchips to fuel the evening.. Shop friend Lucy of Shiny Thoughts blog popped in and marveled at our debut Lazy leggings. NEW BATMAN RUCKSACKS, our Zoe's a fan. The evening was a sweet success with many an outfit sorted for next weeks Dark Knight film release. Thank you to everyone who came along, it was lovely to see you all. Enjoy the film and your new clobber!