Hang on, let us just channel our inner Slade for a second… IT'S XXXXXXMAAAASSSSS!
Here are our last online shipping dates, these are not 100% guaranteed but pretty bloody likely delivery in time for xmas. Just make sure you order before the cut offs mentioned below on the specified day. Early birds and early worms, and all that.
Standard - 18th December
Next Day DPD - 23rd December (cut off 1pm GMT)
Standard - 9th December
Express UPS - 19th December (cut off 2pm GMT)
Standard - 3rd December
Express UPS - 19th December (cut off 2pm GMT)
Standard - 13th December
Express UPS - 19th December (cut off 2pm GMT)
Standard - 10th December
Express UPS - 19th December (cut off 2pm GMT)
Tees and Cees and boring bits:
Just in case you’ve got a fussy person on your gift giving list, all orders placed after November 25th 2024 will have an extended return date of January 31st 2025. And online orders placed from the 24th Dec will be shipped from the 27th Dec as our warehouse and Oaf Support teams will be having some time off to eat mince pies and rock around the Christmas tree.
Happy Xmas!