STORE EXCLUSIVES - Meet the Maker: Lotta Blobs

Meet our next maker, Shantelle Hyslop, graphic designer by day, blob sculptor extraordinaire by night. Shantelle is the founder of Lotta Blobs, creating the colourful wavy mirrors that took instagram by storm when she launched them whilst on furlough last year. You can find a selection of Lotta Blobs mirrors exclusively in our Boundary Street store.


Hey Shantelle, how are you doing? We’re super excited to have you stocked in our Shoreditch store.

I'm doing well! I'm so excited to be stocked in Lazy Oaf too! My teenage self would be pinching herself!

The past year has been wild. How has this year been for you?

2020 has been wild but I have gained a lot of good things out of the year, so I don't like to complain too much! I tried my best not to dwell on the negatives and just make the most of the unusual year!

Your mirrors are top of our Wishlist. How did you come up with the design & concept of your mirrors?

I was on furlough and woke up to another day of doing nothing and the idea of making a frame for an uninspiring mirror I had lying around popped into my head. The result wasn't as great as my current design, but the concept was there! From there I experimented with different forms and eventually came to my current design.

STORE EXCLUSIVES - Meet the Maker: Lotta Blobs

Do you have a favourite design / colour way?

It's really hard to choose! Every time I'm making my orders I'm like 'oooh this is my new fave!' If I was forced to decide I'd say Oatmeal or Sage...or maybe even Apricot!

Where do you go when you’re looking for inspiration?

I love browsing Instagram and discovering creatives and small businesses. There's so many great minds and ideas out there! I also take a lot of inspiration from colour in the everyday as I have a fascination of the concept that colour being a mood changer.

What is the best thing about running your business?

I really enjoy being part of a creative community and chatting to my followers and fellow creatives.

STORE EXCLUSIVES - Meet the Maker: Lotta Blobs

What’s been the most challenging aspect of setting up & running Lotta Blobs?

Running a small business alongside a full-time job is definitely the most challenging part and feeling like there's not enough hours in a day!

How would you describe your own style?

My style is pretty fluid and is definitely influenced by my mood and the weather. Sometimes I love combining zesty colours with feminine forms but I also love pairing monochrome with my adrogynous styles. I also like layering unusual jewellery and accessories to my look too.

What does a typical day in your life look like now?

During the week I work as a Graphic Designer and in the evenings and weekends I'm whizzing around like a mad-woman working on Lotta Blobs! I was kind of grateful that staying at home was the 'new-norm' during the pandemic as I would of struggled with anymore distractions but now there's a freer future amongst us I’m working on a healthier balance!

STORE EXCLUSIVES - Meet the Maker: Lotta Blobs

Who would be your dream brand collaboration?

Tough decision! I really love the energy you get from working with other creatives so I’m always open to all collabs and seeing how different styles can merge together!

What advice would you give to someone wanting to start their own business?

I think it's super important to exercise your skills and even if you don't have the funds to do everything you want at the start just be as creative as possible because you'll be surprised how far it can take you!

We’re all for supporting small, especially this year. Any small brands you’d like to give a shout out to?

So tough trying to whittle it down because I love so many but t I really like @squaresandthings @theflowerandtheflea @katiegilliessurfacedesign

STORE EXCLUSIVES - Meet the Maker: Lotta Blobs