Lazy Oaf Presents: Antimodel Rina Sawayama

Lazy Oaf Presents: Antimodel Rina Sawayama

After introducing you to Antimodel Rico last month, we're back with a new face from the fast growing anti agency. Photographer Olivia Richardson continues to profile our favourite new models, and this month we find out more about Cambridge graduate Rina Sawayama. --------------------- I am… A Cambridge graduate, singer and songwriter. If I could wake up anywhere tomorrow it would be… Tokyo! The song I can’t stop listening to is… Kiesza - Giant In My Heart My biggest food addiction is… RAMEN! I can’t live without… My friends and family My most over worn piece of clothing is… My 3 year old River Island jeans! I am good at… Sparking up conversation with anyone and everyone I would like to be better at… Practising My most overused emoji is… I’m an Antimodel because... I'm not just a face. ---------------------

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