nerd fest!

nerd fest!
ani1.gif Holy guacamole oafs! I am bouncing off the walls like a chimp in a small cage. We have got our new range of perspex jewels and they are a bit too good. If you like your jewellery with a side order of POP.... yes please, then you are going to love these. Check it homies. We have three necklaces made to look just like my doodles. We also have 2 new brooches. Let me introduce you to each one: glasses.gif First up we have geek fest galore with our very own nerd glasses. These are actually real spec size and should fit over your nose if you fancy going for that brainiac look, or have them hanging! The blue comes on a silver chain, and the pink glasses are available on a gold chain. triangles.jpg Next up we have the 'Don't be Square' Brooch. I think this guy might be my favourite, but this changes every five minutes. This guy comes in bright yellow or pink and has then best googly eyes in the business. Urghhh, damn your goodness. bow-tie.jpg Feeling fancy? Why not don a shiny bow tie. This necklace is available in red or black. Do up your top button and put this necklace under your collar for a dapper look. heart.jpg We also have a heart anchor brooch for all you sailorettes. This comes in red or white, and looks super cute worn with peter pan collars or a nautical stripe and a captain birdseye looky likey. lightning.jpg Last but not least is our ghetto fabulous lightning cloud chain. In gold mirrored perspex this cloud has a laser cut lightning bolt detail. Wear this with loads of gold, or keep it simple, either way it's dandy. We took to the streets to snap some people wearing the new range, we now know how those charity bib people feel. But a big thank you to all the people who let us accost them! We also met the best puppie I have ever seen called Buster, you can see him modeling the red bow tie necklace. people-wearing-jewels.jpgThe first 20 orders of the nerd fest range get a sneaky special gift! Tell us what you think by clicking here! all-together.gif